The Flower Project Blog

Kathryn Fleming

Wreath Making Tutorial

Thank you for ordering your Wreath Making Kit from us! Here are 5 easy steps to making your fresh wreath ....

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Kathryn Fleming

Herbs & Country Bunches

I love good old fashioned country bunches. Bursts of colour and subtle fresh scents evoking summer and all the promise it brings...

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Kathryn Fleming


One of the reasons I love peonies is because of their meaning – to wish someone well. The name peony comes from the Greek mythical character – Paeon, who was a student of Aesculapius, a Greek God of medicine and healing....

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Kathryn Fleming

Thoughts on women, beauty and flowers

As women, we often live under the immense pressure in society to strive for perfection; the media constantly bombards us with what is believed in modern day to be “glamorous” –  to transform ourselves into the “perfect woman”...  

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